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Ama Project

Projeto AMA - Área de Mobilização Ambiental

AMA Project – Environmental Mobilization

Since 2010, AMA Project promotes environmental actions in the regions where Petropolis Group operates: Petropolis, Teresopolis (RJ), Boituva (SP), Rondonopolis (MT), Alagoinhas (BA) e Itapissuma (PE). Over 1 million tree seedlings planted to protect native species and an Environmental Education Program for children from public schools, in partnership with the renowned Chico Mendes Institute.


  • Flora Conservation and Reforestation;
  • Water Resources Conservation;
  • Reducing the Negative Impact of Waste on People;
  • Integration and Environmental Education.


  • Thousands of tons of CO2 captured;
  • Retention of billions of liters of water per year;
  • Large-scale ecological restoration of the Atlantic Forest.


  • 48,221 trees in Boituva
  • 392,075 trees in Petropolis
  • 536,945 trees in Teresopolis
  • 113,492 trees in Rondonopolis
  • 26,012 trees in Alagoinhas
  • 20,242 trees in Itapissuma

Environmental education program

  • By 2016 3,600 students attended the program;
  • 482 educational trails.